Hold or Fold?™Subscription

Plan it out. Get strategic.™


let's talk!

Let's talk

Subscription Details

You’re approaching your “golden years” and you haven’t made a plan for your business. What is your plan for your retirement? What kind of life do you want to live?

Hold or Fold?™ is a proprietary program that initiates succession planning using the psychological-based Where You At?™ questionnaire for you, the advisor, to gain an understanding of where you are at personally and professionally, along with what retirement looks like, while considering your current realities. By the end of our first session together, you will have a solid foundation upon which to start crafting your succession plan utilizing the P.S Life Planner™. With subsequent quarterly meetings, Lauren will help facilitate the completion, implementation and maintenance of your succession plan.

What Lauren brings to the table:

Lauren speaks “advisor” language:
  • 25+ years working within Wealth Management space / 401k space - US & Canada
  • 20+ years educating WM professionals on the “tough” topics
Lauren’s engaging, no-nonsense facilitating style helps deliver all types of messages - nothing is too “taboo” or difficult for Lauren to talk about.
  • Master's degree in Counselling and Psychology
  • Licensed psychotherapist
KYC scholar
  • U of Calgary Ed.D 

Year 1 

Year 2 

  1. The first meeting will be to get to know each other by working through the Hold or Fold?™ program to establish a baseline of where you and your business are at.This initial session takes about 3 hours and will create the foundation of your succession plan and identify the action steps for you to take before our next meeting.
  2. 3 x 1 hr follow-up to help facilitate the completion of your action steps and, ultimately, completing your succession plan. (one each remaining 3 quarters)
  1. In this 2-hour session, we complete a “check-in” with the Holding or Folding™ questionnaire to see if you’re on the same path or have changed course from last year’s baseline. This session will create the action items for the upcoming year’s sessions.
  2. 3 x 1 hr follow-up to help facilitate the completion of your action steps and, ultimately, completing your succession plan. (one each remaining 3 quarters)

  • 2 yr subscription
  • Develop succession plan and implement annual review
  • Can be scheduled for your convience

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