Quick Info

  • 2 days (virtual / in person)
  • 11 CM/PD credits
  • suitable for a single branch, or large group
  • Can be scheduled for your convience


You, Me, and the KYC™

Have you ever wondered how to “do” Behavioral Finance? Or wondered what it would “look like” regarding how you conduct your business and engage with your clients? The You, Me, and the KYC™ program is designed to teach financial professionals how to utilize and thrive utilizing Point.Shift’s proprietary, psychologically grounded KYC model and tools to know their clients in a whole
new way.

The KYC model combines the emotional understanding of Behavioral Finance with psychological theory to create a new way to “know your client.” Grounding the model within biopsychosocial, learning, and social identity theories in which to empathetically engage your clients. Empathy can go a long way with your clients in improving the quality of the relationship and the quality of the provided information. The more you know about your clients and their circumstances, the better decisions you can make regarding strategies and products.

In today’s highly competitive and regulated environment, engaging your clients in meaningful conversations has never been more important. The You, Me, and the KYC™ program provides opportunities to learn (and practice) how to have “difficult conversations,” as they are an integral part of your relationship with your clients. 

By the end of the program, participants will:

• Learn how to have meaningful conversations that will facilitate the enhanced KYC, KYP, and suitability requirements,
• Improve client satisfaction and retention by engaging in an authentic client-centric manner and
• Reduce their risk exposure and client complaints.

Day 1: All About Self (Me)
Explore and learn how people think, what they believe, and how to work effectively with individuals when conditions may not be ideal - such as a spouse’s death or job loss. Working individually and in small groups, learn how to engage different lenses and viewpoints to gain clarity on your clients’ position versus the position you hold.

Day 2: All About Other (You)
The second day is all about learning about the KYCd model and how it works. This is the day when fears are faced, and difficult conversations are conquered!
This day is all about creating a bank of questions AND learning how to use them with your clients. Working in small and large groups develop the questions and then practice delivering them to your peers.

Day 3: The KYC

Let’s put the theory and practice to the test! The last day is all about working with the new skills and tools you have learned about, with a client.
Working with your group you will meet a new client and complete their KYC!

course outline

CIRO / ADVOCIS / CFP CE Accredited
(24 credits pending)

 to know yourself, is TO KNOW YOUR CLIENT.™

learning outcomes

let's talk!

"We no longer live in the setting of historically traditional insurance need based on a few basic facts. I believe the (bio)socio-psychological perspective is imperative to best business practices in today’s market. KUDOS to you for recognizing that and bringing KYC into this century !!!"

D.L. - Director, Large Case Underwriting & Risk Management